Love Quotes

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“Loving you is like having ice cream on a hot day, the day is so much more enjoyable with you in it.”

Source Unknown

“The day the sun stops shining will be the day that I will stop loving you.”

Source Unknown

“I’d like to be in your heart just as the fish likes to be in water.”

Source Unknown

“Don’t compare our love to the flowers that only bloom on summer, instead, compare it to the river that flows forever.”

Source Unknown

“In every girl’s life there is a boy she’ll never forget, and a summer where it all started.”

Source Unknown

“Love sneaks up on you, like a gentle summer breeze caressing and enveloping you with warmth.”

Source Unknown

“Trying to decide what one thing I love about you the most is like trying to choose the best pebble on the beach.”

Source Unknown

“Love is like the sun. You can feel its warmth day after day.”

Source Unknown

“Just as the sunbeam cannot separate itself from the sun and the wave cannot separate itself from the sea, I cannot separate myself from you. You are a part of me and I, a part of you.”

Source Unknown

“I gaze up at the sun, and I’m comforted because I know that the same sun’s light is lighting your face.”

Source Unknown

“When the waves hit the shores over and over, rolling and roaring, to the immature eyes it seems like a fight or a battle. But, the thunderous water shows how much it adores. It tirelessly struggles to tell the land, how much in love it is with the sands.”

Source Unknown

“Each day I spend with you is rewarded by special memories. Things that we do together complete our daily thoughts, for without you there is no bright, sun shining day.”

Source Unknown

“Love is like the sun, even if you reach it you have to put up with a few blisters.”

Source Unknown

“Love is like salted water; the more you drink the more your thirst increases.”

Source Unknown

“Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds and warming your soul.”

Source Unknown
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